Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lunch Lady and the Cybord Substitute by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Krosoczka, Jarrett J.. Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute. New York: Knopf Books For Young Readers, 2009. Print.

This is a graphic novel, the first of a collection, that takes a view of lunch ladies that is not usually thought of. The students' substitute is quite odd and the lunch lady is able to pick up on this. The students wonder where the lunch lady goes after school and follow her. Meanwhile, the lunch lady is also following the new substitute to see where he goes after school. This is a great series to have students read because it an unusual format of novel that many students may not realize are available to them.

This is a site dedicated to the Lunch Lady novels. Student can visit this site to find out about upcoming books and explore activities involving these novels
This is a blog site about the Lunch Lady novels. Here, students can participate in blogs and share their thoughts about the novels.


During Reading:
Students ask questions/make comments about any sections that they may not understand what is going on in the novel since it is a much different format than most kids are used to.

Writing Activity:
Students will create and write their own mini graphic novel that could go along with the Lunch Lady comics.

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